List Of 10 Ideas On How An Unattractive Guy May Get Dates

Being an ugly guy doesn’t have to be a death sentence when it comes to dating. There are plenty of ways to score dates, even if you’re not the most traditionally attractive guy around.

Here are ten tips for making yourself more appealing, whether you’re looking for a one-night stand or a serious relationship.

1. Ugly Guy Dating Site

Join an ugly guy dating site. There are plenty of dating sites specifically for ugly guys. This way, you can connect with women who are open to dating someone who isn’t traditionally “handsome.” is one such dating site. is a dating site that focuses on a person’s personality more than their physical appearance. This makes it easier to make genuine connections with other people. Singles can form stronger bonds through Ugly Schmucks by recognizing that people can be attractive even if they don’t look good.

2. Get involved in the ugly guy community

There are forums and online groups devoted to ugly guys. This is also a great way to get support and advice from other ugly guys.

3. Lear to be confident

Don’t let your ugliness hold you back from going after the women you want to date. Remember, beauty is only skin deep.

Don’t know how to be confident? The metaphysical teacher Neville Goddard expressed this idea well when he said that the key to changing your self-image is to “assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled.”

If you want to be more confident, start by acting like the confident person you want to be. This can be a life-changing experience. If you want to learn more, check out Neville Goddard’s audiobooks. You can get them for free if you sign up for an audible trial here.

4. Be funny if you want to date and are an ugly guy

Women love a guy who can make them laugh. If you can make her laugh, she’ll forget about your less-than-perfect looks.

Don’t know how to be funny? Everything is funny if you look at it from the right perspective. The world is a giant playground and life is one big game.

Start by looking at everything in your life as an opportunity for comedy. When you start to see the world this way, you’ll find it much easier to be funny.

If you want more help with being funny, I recommend checking out the book “The Art of Witty Banter: Be Clever, Quick, & Magnetic” You can get a free audible trial.

You can actually learn how to be funny. If you want to be funnier, start by studying the greats. Watch stand-up comedy specials, read books on comedy, and listen to podcasts about comedy.

5. Play up your other assets if you’re an ugly guy

If you’re not traditionally attractive, you probably have other assets that you can play up.

Maybe you’re a great listener, an amazing cook, or a fantastic dancer. Whatever your other assets may be, make sure to play them up if you want to score some dates.

If you want to look better, hit the gym. Working out will help you tone your body and improve your overall appearance.

Plus, when you’re in shape, you’ll feel more confident and be more attractive to women. So, start hitting the gym today and see the results for yourself.

A great audiobook for getting results at the gym is “Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training” by Mark Rippetoe. You can get a free audible trial here.

Guys remember also that abs are made in the kitchen so be sure to fuel your body with healthy food and eat calorie deficit if you want to see results and cut fat.

To lose weight, you must consume fewer calories than you use. This is known as a calorie deficit.

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6. Be a challenge if you’re an ugly guy

One of the best ways to attract women is to be a challenge. Women love a man who is challenging and mysterious. If you can be a little bit aloof, you’ll be more attractive to women.

Remember, you don’t want to come across as uninterested. You still want to show interest in the women you’re interested in. Just don’t be too available.

One way to be a challenge is to play hard to get. This means that you don’t always answer her texts right away, you make plans with other people, and you don’t always drop everything for her.

Another way to be a challenge is to be a little bit mysterious. Don’t give away everything about yourself right away. Keep her guessing and she’ll be more interested in you.

7. Be well-dressed if you’re an ugly guy

First impressions are important, so make sure you dress to impress if you want to score some dates.

This doesn’t mean that you have to spend a fortune on designer clothes. Just make sure your clothes are clean and well-fitting.

A great way to find well-fitting clothes is to go to a thrift store and have them tailored to fit you perfectly. This way, you’ll look great without spending a lot of money.

Another way to improve your appearance is to make sure you’re well-groomed. This means showering regularly, getting a haircut, and taking care of your skin.

8. Some beautiful ladies avoid nice-looking guys because they’re afraid of being dumped and shattered

There are a lot of couples out there where the guy isn’t particularly attractive, but the lady is. Don’t let your appearance prevent you from meeting the woman of your dreams.

If you think she’s out of your league, chances are she’s not. A lot of guys think that they’re not good enough for the women they want to date.

This is called impostor syndrome and it’s something that a lot of people struggle with.

If you think you’re not good enough for her, you probably won’t be. So, stop doubting yourself and go for it.

9. Use online dating if you’re an ugly guy

If you’re having trouble meeting women, online dating is a great option. Online dating gives you the opportunity to meet women that you wouldn’t otherwise meet.

Plus, online dating is a great way to screen women before you even meet them in person. This way, you can avoid wasting your time on bad dates.

There are a lot of great online dating sites and apps out there. Some of the most popular ones are Tinder, Bumble, and OkCupid.

Remember to upload good-looking photos of yourself and fill out your profile so women will be interested in you. One way to get good photos is to hire a professional photographer. By getting a professional photographer, you make sure that the photos will be of great quality and show you in the best light possible.

10. Have a good attitude if you’re an ugly guy

Your attitude is more important than your looks when it comes to dating. If you have a positive attitude, you’ll be more attractive to women.

Women are attracted to happy, confident men. So, if you want to attract women, make sure you have a good attitude.

One way to improve your attitude is to focus on the positive. instead of dwelling on your negative qualities, focus on your positive ones. This will help you feel better about yourself and make you more attractive to women.

Another way to improve your attitude is to take care of yourself. This means eating healthy, exercising, and getting enough sleep. When you take care of yourself, you’ll feel better and be more confident.

Remember to check out Neville Goddard as I pointed out in step 4 of this guide. He will help you understand how your attitude affects your dating life and how to improve it.

Dating can be difficult for anyone, but it can be especially tough if you’re an ugly guy

There are a lot of things you can do to increase your chances of getting dates, even if you’re an unattractive guy. Just follow these 10 steps and you’ll be on your way to scoring some beautiful ladies.

Remember to focus on having a good attitude, taking care of yourself, and being positive.

Remember that if you haven’t got results yet, it doesn’t mean you never will. Just keep improving yourself every day and don’t give up. With a little effort, you’ll be getting dates in no time.

These things will help make you more attractive to women and increase your chances of finding the woman of your dreams.

And that’s it! These are 10 tips on how an ugly guy can get dates. Thanks for reading!