The Best Dating Apps for Big Guys

Find Your Match: The Best Dating Apps for Big Guys Looking for Love

Are you a plus-sized man struggling to find love on traditional dating apps? You’re not alone. In a society where physical appearance is highly valued, it can be difficult for big guys to feel confident and find partners who love and appreciate them for who they are.

But don’t despair! With the rise of niche dating apps, it’s now easier than ever for big guys to find someone who loves them just the way they are. In this blog post, we’ll explore the best dating apps for big guys and give you the tools you need to find love and build a meaningful relationship.

So, if you’re ready to find your happily ever after, keep reading!

App Name Features
WooPlus secret admirer option, friendly and inclusive community
Large Friends customizable search function, ability to send virtual gifts
BBW Cupid caters specifically to plus-sized men and women, variety of features to help find a compatible partner
OkCupid allows users to select their body type, detailed questionnaire, search for specific interests

The Challenges Plus-Sized Men Face on Traditional Dating Apps

As a plus-sized man, you may have struggled to find love on traditional dating apps like Tinder or Bumble. These apps, which are based on swiping left or right on someone’s photo, often prioritize appearance over personality or compatibility. As a result, big guys may feel like they have fewer options and may not get as many matches as their thinner counterparts.

But don’t give up on love just yet! There are now a number of dating apps specifically designed for plus-sized men and women who love them. These apps offer a safe and welcoming space for big guys to find love and build meaningful relationships.

One of the most popular dating apps for big guys is WooPlus. This app, which is available for iOS and Android, was designed specifically for plus-sized men and women. It boasts a friendly and inclusive community, with features like a “secret admirer” option that allows you to anonymously show your interest in someone.

Another great option is Large Friends. This app, which is available on iOS and Android, offers a variety of features to help big guys find love, including a customizable search function and the ability to send virtual gifts to show your interest.

BBW Cupid is another excellent choice for big guys looking for love. This app, which is available on iOS and Android, caters specifically to plus-sized men and women, with a variety of features designed to help you find a compatible partner.

In addition to these niche dating apps, there are also a number of general dating apps that are more inclusive of plus-sized men. OkCupid, for example, allows users to select their body type, so you can easily find partners who are attracted to your size. The app also has a number of features to help you find compatible matches, including a detailed questionnaire and the ability to search for specific interests.

The Rise of Niche Dating Apps for Plus-Sized Men

The need for niche dating apps for plus-sized men has grown in recent years as more and more people turn to the internet to find love. In a society that often values thinness and puts a premium on physical appearance, it can be difficult for big guys to feel confident and find partners who appreciate and accept them for who they are.

Traditional dating apps, which are based on swiping left or right on someone’s photo, can be especially challenging for plus-sized men. These apps often prioritize appearance over compatibility or personality, leading to fewer matches and a lack of representation for bigger guys.

Niche dating apps for plus-sized men offer a solution to this problem by creating a safe and welcoming space for men of all sizes to find love. These apps, which are specifically designed for plus-sized men and the women who love them, offer features like customizable search functions and the ability to send virtual gifts to show interest.

In addition to providing a more inclusive and body-positive environment, niche dating apps for plus-sized men also offer the chance for like-minded individuals to connect. These apps allow users to connect with others who share similar interests and values, leading to more meaningful and compatible relationships.

Overall, the rise of niche dating apps for plus-sized men reflects a growing demand for representation and acceptance in the online dating world. By offering a welcoming space for big guys to find love, these apps are helping to break down societal barriers and promote body positivity.

Other Options for Plus-Sized Men Seeking Love

While online dating can be a great way for big guys to find love, it’s important to keep in mind that it’s not the only option. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and try other methods, like joining a club or group that aligns with your interests or asking a friend to set you up with someone they think you might hit it off with. Remember, there’s someone out there for everyone, and with a little effort and a positive attitude, you can find the love you deserve.

According to a survey conducted by the dating app WooPlus, 74% of plus-sized individuals have experienced harassment on a dating app because of their size. Additionally, 78% of respondents reported feeling ashamed or uncomfortable about their size while online dating.

However, despite the challenges that plus-sized individuals may face on traditional dating apps, they are still seeking love online. A 2019 survey conducted by found that 70% of plus-sized individuals have used a dating app or service, and 62% of those respondents reported having a positive experience.

It’s also worth noting that there is a growing demand for plus-sized representation in the media and fashion industries, and this is reflected in the success of plus-sized dating apps. WooPlus, for example, has over 4 million users worldwide and has been featured in the media as a body-positive alternative to traditional dating apps.

Overall, while plus-sized individuals may face challenges in the world of online dating, there are a number of resources available to them and a growing acceptance of body diversity in society.

Success Stories: Plus-Sized Men Who Found Love Online

After years of feeling self-conscious about his size, Joe decided to give online dating a try. He had always been told that his size made him less attractive and unworthy of love, and he had struggled with confidence and self-esteem as a result.

But on a whim, he downloaded a niche dating app for plus-sized men and women, and to his surprise, he found that there were actually a lot of people out there who were attracted to his size and saw him as attractive and desirable.

Joe started messaging a woman named Sarah, and they quickly hit it off. They both loved to travel and try new restaurants, and they had a deep connection that went beyond physical attraction.

After a few months of messaging and talking on the phone, they finally met in person and knew that they had found something special. Joe felt like he had finally found someone who loved and accepted him for who he was, and he couldn’t be happier.

Sarah and Joe have now been together for over a year, and they’ve traveled to six different countries and tried countless new restaurants together. They’re grateful to the niche dating app that brought them together and are looking forward to a bright future filled with love and adventure.

Don’t Give Up on Your Search for Love

In conclusion, dating as a plus-sized man can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. With the rise of niche dating apps and the increasing inclusivity of general dating apps, it’s now easier than ever for big guys to find love and build meaningful relationships. Don’t give up on your search for love – try out one of these dating apps and see what kind of connection you can make.