How To Get More Matches On Tinder For Guys

How To Get More Matches On Tinder For Guys

Dating apps like tinder can sometimes feel like a never-ending sea of people passing each other by, without any real connections being made. If this sounds like something you’ve been thinking about lately, then you’re in the right place.

This article I’ve put together will take you through some tips for helping get more matches on tinder. Unfortunately for any ladies reading, this is geared more towards the guys, but there might be some useful tips for you too. But the main focus today will be on how to get more matches on tinder for guys!

1.Know your competition

This doesn’t mean that you need to start befriending other guys on tinder, but it means that you need to be aware that there are other guys out there who are also using tinder and who are also looking for female partners.

I’m not suggesting that you start comparing yourself to these guys and trying to be more like them, in fact, I’m suggesting the opposite.

Once you’ve seen the sorts of guys you’re against, you can actually be different from them.

Say all the guys on tinder that are being successful are athletic six-pack having guys, that workout at the gym five times a week, (a general hint is that the successful tinder guys are these sorts of men because tinder relies heavily on being attractive instantly on pictures), then maybe you need to sell yourself differently.

Be compassionate. Be funny. Whatever it is, you need to offer something slightly different.

That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try to improve yourself physically. If you know that you’re not at your comfortable weight right now, then obviously work on that, and trying to workout more often is not only going to improve your chances of successful matches, but it’ll make you healthier too.

But, by setting yourself apart from the competition, you are already improving your odds of getting more matches on tinder. And if you’re lucky enough to be one of those six-pack having athletes, then selling yourself as something more than just a physically fit partner could set you apart from your competitors too and make yourself more attractive to matches on tinder.

2.Have a look

Having a look is so important on tinder, because as I mentioned earlier, it’s all about aesthetics.

If a woman doesn’t find you instantly attractive by the pictures on your profile, she won’t bother looking at your bio.

Look at the sorts of things that women are finding attractive, and mimic it.

Obviously, you should have a style that you are comfortable in because you’ll feel more confident and that’ll make you more attractive, but by taking influences from guys you already know women like, you’ll be increasing your attractiveness to women.

3.It’s all about photos

I know, I’ve mentioned this a few times already, but it’s SO important! If you want women to notice how attractive you are, then you need to take high-quality photos, and preferably ones taken by a professional.

The hottest guy with the best body in the world won’t get results on tinder if he takes a selfie that makes it looks as though he has twelve chins and his smile is creepy.

Professional photos can make even an average-looking guy much more attractive to women and it’ll increase your chances of getting a match.

For relatively cheap you can find professional photographers to help you with taking excellent photos that you can use on tinder.

If you don’t know where to find a professional photographer, you can try out PhotoSesh. is a community of highly rated talented photographers, the pricing is affordable, and visible before booking (as low as $30/hour). You’ll be surprised how much more matches you can get with professional photographs.

Another site where you can find photographers for your tinder profile is

4.Think about what your career says about you

Now, some men would say that women are more attracted to them if they make a lot of money.

Evolutionarily speaking, women do prefer men that can provide them with stability in the financial department. I’m not suggesting you go and change your career in order to make more money just to attract women though, far from it!

If you are working a job that is never going to get you a mansion in Hollywood with three swimming pools and a theatre room, that’s OK. What you need to do though, is show why the less well-paying jobs are important to you.

Say you’re an elementary school teacher, you’re not going to be making a HUGE amount of money, but if you sell the fact that you are passionate about education and you’re a thoughtful and caring man, then women will absolutely be more attracted to you.

If you have ambitions of making a lot of money though, then you should absolutely chase that because you’ll find that women are more attracted to somebody who has a career that is stable that they are passionate about.

5.Show off what you can offer to a relationship

In many ways, this has a lot to do with status. You need to show women that you are somebody who is going to open doors for them (not literally, although women do love a gent too). In this case, I mean open doors for them in terms of the fun opportunities they will have by being with you.

If you’re the sort of guy that thinks every date should be a takeout at home and a few beers, then most women will eventually get bored.

If, however, you can show off pictures on tinder that display the sort of fun activities you’re into, then women will see what you can offer them. These fun activities will let them know that you are someone who is exciting and they’ll have fun with you, so let that part of your life shine on tinder too.


This guide should hopefully support you in getting some more matches on tinder, but remember, you shouldn’t ever try to be someone you’re not, but you ought to try to be the best version of yourself that you can be.

This involves being brutally honest with yourself too. Are you slightly overweight? Could you be fitter? Could you change your style up to be more attractive? By being the best version of you that you can be, women will automatically be more attracted to you and you’ll get more matches on tinder!

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