Is Online Dating Safe And Productive

Is Online Dating Safe and Productive?

One of the things about online dating is that it is safe. People under the age of 25 years have really embraced the technology and sites involved in online dating, and I think that hooking up with ‘others’ in this way, not only saves time but gives them a sense of safety that you don’t have when going out to meet someone in a public place. As for being productive, well it is, as you can meet a few people in one day and save time by connecting with them all online.


To start with there are so many platforms for online dating, so pick one or two and try them out.

You will become quite skilled at sifting through the material and after a day or two, you will have shortlisted the ones that you want to meet.

To be even more productive make a list of no more than 5 points for your search criteria. This will include the qualities you are looking for and the common interests.

Don’t let any of this frighten you as it is just another acceptable way to meet people. Maybe don’t discuss it with Grandma at Sunday dinner, believe me, it takes too much time to get the concept across. However, this is the way that things are done now and some people are making the switch better than others.


A survey of single adults showed that 7 out of 10 people had used an online dating app. They went on to say that they felt safe as the correct safety precautions had been observed. Here are some of the precautions that were suggested.

  • Online dating is purely a way to connect prior to meeting up.
  • Keep your introduction brief, save the long chat for when you meet.
  • Make sure that your first meeting is in a safe public place.
  • Tell someone where you are going.
  • Finding the right partner is hard work, and this eliminates a lot of unproductive outings.
  • There is no stigma attached to meeting people this way, it saves time.


  • People do lie or exaggerate their profiles
  • You risk rushing into a relationship before getting to know one another.
  • You may be spoilt for choice and get stuck in decision making.


When you are under 21 years it is important to go out socially with your group and meet other people. If you stay at home chatting online you will lack the ability to hold a conversation and to develop your social skills.

This is an important time in social development and to go to someone’s house and have dinner and hold a conversation with older members of the household is a critical exercise in your future social construct. Staying at home and online dating is not the best method for this age group to meet others.

We have all seen couples that sit in a restaurant together eating while both on their individual phones texting and not actually speaking to one another throughout the meal. This is a really sad way to interact when on a date.


People who have been married, have joint custody of several children will find online dating a much more productive way to connect with others.

To start with they are time-poor, and often financially poor, and by dating online they will be able to connect with more people faster. They will be aware of creating unrealistic parameters, and on the whole, will know what they want in a relationship.

If you are meeting for the first time always meet in a public place, and if you feel uncertain about the other person don’t reveal your last name until you know them better.


Trying to find the right partner can be time-consuming and from that point of view, online dating is certainly safe and productive. Meeting people socially for the first time can be awkward, this way gives you the chance to break the ice a bit before you meet and to feel comfortable together before you go out on that all-important first date.